Lord (Angus) Glennie, Chairman of the Centre
Brandon Malone, Director of the Scottish Arbitration Centre

“Established in 2011 following the introduction of the Arbitration (Scotland) act 2010 the centre has established itself firmly as a world class venue for international arbitration”

By Brandon Malone
Director of the Scottish Arbitration Centre

The Scottish Arbitration Centre is the home of domestic and international arbitration in Scotland.

Arbitration is a commercial, cost effective and confidential method of resolving disputes. With the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010, Scotland has a modern, innovative arbitration regime to rival any other.

Scotland offers a neutral, affordable, English-speaking, venue for international arbitration. Arbitral appoints can be made by our Court, which will appoint the most suitable arbitrators from around the world.

The Centre’s arbitration suites and facilities in Edinburgh are available to hire at very competitive rates for arbitrations, mediations and other dispute hearings, and for conferences and meeting regarding alternative dispute resolution. 

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